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It is a mystical- philosophical doctrine delivery man of our time a new cosmo - vision of the universe as well as the causes of social , political and psychological tribulations of humanity .
It was founded by the brothers Claudio J. Araujo and his wife Cedeño Placy Cedeño Gonzalez , in the city of Iquitos on September 21 , 1968.
The source of knowledge that gave rise to Septrionismo , is the spiritual world , and its existence as a doctrine reflects a planning astral reveal ordered the Messengers , ideas , standards, approaches and fundamentals that we have consistency of moral and religious values science, to provide a more stable criterion that would allow the harmony of culture with scientific age in which we live .
The Septrionismo is a doctrine that portrays God as THE ETERNAL INTELLIGENCE EON , not as a being but as a set of energies that govern the universal laws , for cosmological functions. Triptiseptinonimiciales . Spread Duality opponent laws of nature; of opponency ; Transformation ; Transmutation ; Causality .


Our teaching tend to dignify man , to make him understand his reality show what are the reasons for the values ​​that govern their behavior , both ethically and morally .
Reconciling the mystical aspect to the scientific aspect of human culture. Ask the man understand that within the core family member is a historical being who becomes the example and registration features on the values ​​he demonstrated with his daily acts .

That man understands that his instinctive nature is the cause of his passions and tribulations.
Man transmit a new interpretation of nature and the presence of LO GOD in our daily lives and in the universe.
Exhibit is the confusion of beliefs that kept the brothers separated children of the same Father, because the truth is complemented by one and others.
            Do understand, the current confused man , that God is not dead LO .
            Ask the man understand his own constitution, the reason for its existence, the reason for his coming to Earth , their sufferings , their anxieties and their ideals ; and what shall be after their physical death.
            Teach everyone to be himself. And through it , find its way back to the lost within their CREATOR.
            Show that the behavior of man should not be done under the wrong bases of reward or punishment that YOU GOD give us our right and wrong behavior. We queel man aware of his divine constitution ; and , in honor of his Creator he imposed for its own dignity is higher, a docuta meets him and to glorify their Creator , while it glorifies the Creator .


CULTURAL CENTERS PHILOSOPHICAL SEPTRIONICOS . They are the temples of free expression. Serve as centers of information, discussion and acquisition of knowledge of what is our doctrine and of all stocks . Its main purposes are to disseminate Septriónicas theories ; sponsor both spiritual and material development of its members; establish relationships with other cultural centers , par progress of the community; contribute to the greatness of our country ; Municipalities sponsoring organization cooperative type as independent bodies of this organization.


's Shaping people not only satisfied with seeking knowledge but want to put them into practice and make a profit from it to then projected to society.
The mystical attitude involves a desire or offering communication between man and his God.

The follower of our doctrine must aspire to be a communitarian server humanitarianism and the good of all , without distinction of class, race or creed ; this implies , of course , the exercise of all spiritual virtues.


Are dependent agencies of the Holy Order Mystic Septriónica , which aimed to contribute to binestar and increase the income of the members, by free will , are associated with full knowledge of its benefits and responsibilities , aware and willing to collaborate with objectives having the institution.

Knowing the truth is identified with God and ignore what is succumbing to darkness.
            Serve God , and God can not you serve in the land without serving the man who is her living manifestation .
            Make use the balance of right thinking and econtrareis truth.
            The pursuit of knowledge of the causes of all that exists , the first rule is that you must exercise daily to not succumb to negativity.
            Prayer is an offering of sound vibrations of the thoughts of man towards his creator, the right actions every second of the existence of man are harmonious vibrations range of suppliers who have the preference of divinity.
            When the mouth is silent thought is the best means of expression and the only form of communication.
            Righteousness is the right way to honor Eon eternal intelligence, every second of our existence through our actions and our thoughts .
            The man who recognizes his mistakes and correcting is truly great . But when more than err is superb , this man is insignificant , worthless and such men are offensive to human dignity.
            Never you fight against the forces of nature but rather fight for what we get each of you NEED for your existence .
            The error is not in err ; but does not recognize that it was wrong, or , recognizing , further wandering .
            Good and evil are two powers that balance the universe , but as long as one gives peace, the other gives anguish , pain and suffering .
            The universal order is so perfect that it survives creation.
            What God is science, and science is the only way to discover its constitutive nature .


Currently there are three communities in Peru :

  • Comunijdaxdes Septriónicas Man Ko Kali, in the city of Iquitos.
  • Community Septriónica of Shirambari , in the city of Pucallpa.
  • Community Septriónica of Lorenina in Lurin , Lima.

The communities provide social services , such as medical centers, Schools official value.

More Information Shaman Shop en Calle Triunfo 393/107, Cusco, Peru