Shamanic massage
Shamanic massage is a relaxation massage where through visualization and massage itself, we will release the stagnant energies in each area of your body.
In addition to the benefits of a massage such as relief stress and tension you will live a beautiful experience of a shamanic journey in the comfort of a warm and welcoming environment. And by manipulating the muscles and tendons, you will improve your posture and your body will return to a more natural state, thus ending the cycle of the physical response to stress.
Duration: 1 hour
Location: mother earth center (above the store)
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing deals with the influence of the spirits towards the person and the mystical healing of the influence of the gods or of medicine towards the person. In this form of healing, the shaman is the means to bring the gods or medicine. There are two main forms of shamanic healing:
- Cures with medicinal plants (Ayahuasca, San Pedro)
- Cures in which before healing the person goes into a trance. In the trance state the person can see with the help of the shaman how the spirits want to heal, e.g. with the help of plants, stones, songs etc.